Christmas is right around the corner. Last weekend I had to tell people that I am done taking holiday photos. I know it’s still a week but I am the slow turtle. I will explain why but as one man show majority of my time to be a Metuchen Portrait Photographer isn’t easy sometimes. I wake up early and go to sleep late, trying to catch up with work while my kids are sleeping. I do have an editor who saves my life all the time because she cuts my work hours in half but two of us are not enough when you get a huge flow of work during the holidays and because we have such limited time to finish it all, we work like dogs. Smart customers start to call and do their sessions around October, the late customers a week before the holidays. So I was doing everything as always with the simple style portraits and since I am the member of many photography groups on Facebook, I always check what other photographers do. I can say many of them doing crazy work and create a whole scene for the holiday photo sessions. Which made me doubt about my work since mine is very simple. The reason why I am doing simple is, printing companies sending me every year their postcards and I see how much work they add to theirs. Since their cards are so busy, I keep doing very simple backgrounds for mine sessions. I want customers to have beautiful cards instead of cards on acid. I started worrying that maybe I am way too simple until I saw the photograph of Prince William and Dutchess of Cambridge Kate. Have you seen their family photo for this season? I will upload so you don’t have to try to find, I had to make a quick screenshot so I won’t lose it. I have no idea who took it and I have no idea who published it but I am sure many photographers just raised their hands and said: “That’s it?”
When I saw their picture, I realized I am okay for now. My style is not for 99 percent of people but good enough for future Kings and Queens. I found plenty of people that appreciate it and I am happy they choose my direction. So here are my photos and a photo that was done for this Christmas by the royal family.